What Will They Remember?


This afternoon, my girls and I went on a long, long walk in the sunshine. The cool breeze of early spring filled my lungs and refreshed my spirit. I realized that long after I am gone, maybe when my girls are bouncing their grand babies on their knee, they will tell their children’s children the story of COVID-19. I wondered about what they will remember...and what they will forget.

As I walked in the park, I came across a very large boulder beneath me - mostly buried in the ground. I couldn’t stop myself from bending over and touching it and realizing that it had been here for 1 million years before now and it will be here 1 million years from now. So, I laid my whole self down on the ground on top of the boulder and noticed how warm it was. I expected it to be cold, but the sun had warmed it perfectly and I just rested and looked at the clouds and listened to the birds. Life for them had not changed and their songs lulled my eyes closed.

— and then my phone beeped. It was my girls texting me. Apparently, concerned visitors at the park were convinced I had fallen and was passed out ... and my children firmly asked me to stop having fun on the rock and to catch up to them.

Perhaps, when I am gone and my girls are bouncing their grand babies on their knee they will remember the time strangers almost called 911 because their mother decided that she needed a nap, outside, on a rock, in a public place during the COVID-19 pandemic...


Counting Pinecones

